
Stock code: SZ002547

Talent development

current position:Home page - Talent development - recruitment


Aluminium alloy casting engineer

  • hiring:2人
  • workplace:Industrial park
  • Release time:2020-04-01
  • HR email:hr.cx@chunxing-group.com
Job content:

1, collect statistics quality, school system, the quality abnormal feedback 2, statistical data archiving work 3, auxiliary raw material to enter 4, cooperate with other people

Job qualifications:

First, the basic quality requirements of practical and willing to work, unity and cooperation, diligent in learning, the courage to innovate
Two,Job skills :1. Familiar with aluminum alloy casting process principle and aluminum alloy casting characteristics, and master aluminum alloy heat treatment principle; 2. Experience in aluminum alloy sand mold casting and metal mold casting process design and on-site process implementation; 3. Experience in independent casting process design and process improvement
Three, give priority to employment conditions 1, aluminum alloy casting (cold, intake manifold, cylinder block, cylinder head, etc.) experience in casting process 2, can use computer drawing software rendering 2 d and 3 d drawing and mold split, will use the casting simulation software 3, good English reading and writing ability. 4, good organization and coordination ability may, after a formal quality system training

Aluminium alloy casting engineer

  • hiring:1人
  • workplace:Industrial park
  • Release time:2020-04-01
  • HR email:hr.cx@chunxing-group.com
Job content:

1, collect statistics quality, school system, the quality abnormal feedback 2, statistical data archiving work 3, auxiliary raw material to enter 4, cooperate with other people

Job qualifications:

一、基本素质要求 踏实肯干,团结协作,勤于学习,勇于创新
二、岗位技能要求 1、熟悉铝合金铸造工艺原理及铝合金铸造特性,掌握铝合金热处理原理 2、有铝合金砂型铸造和金属型铸造工艺设计和现场工艺实施经验 3、有独立进行铸造工艺设计和工艺 改进的经历
三、优先聘用条件 1、有汽车铝合金铸件(中冷器,进气歧管,缸体,缸盖等)铸造工艺经验 2、能够运用电脑绘图软件绘制二维和三维图及模具拆分,会运用铸造模拟软件 3、良好的英语读写 能力 4、良好的组织协调能力 5、经过正规的质量体系培训